48th Human Rights Council Reports
Report on the General Debates
General debate on HC oral updates presented on Monday 13th of September 2021.
All sources used to draft the reports on the 3rd meeting can be found here, and the sources for the draft of the 4th report can be found here. Reports drafted by Marc Enzo Belligoi Gomis on September 14th, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Madame President Nazhat Shameem Khan opened the General Debate on HC roal updates on the 14th of September at 12:00.
Statements by the delegations of the countries concerned about the 13th of September 2021 HC update
Afghanistan stated that the situation of the country continues to deteriorate under Taliban rule, which disregards the human rights of women and minorities. Afghanistan also stressed the actions of the Taliban against protesters, journalists and the atrocities committed by the Taliban in the Panjshir valley. Afghanistan called the international community to condemn the actions taken by the Taliban and to expand the eligibility of refugees.
Nicaragua condemned colonial and foreign intervention in their country, in particular the interventionism of the USA and Europe. Nicaragua also called for the HRC to cease interfering in the internal decision of the country.
Sri Lanka expressed its strong and continued cooperation with the HRC and with the UN. Sri Lanka also detailed its post conflict initiatives, such as demining operations and resettling programs, which contribute to the reconciliation process as well as its commitment to strengthening civil society and its policies to combat Covid 19. Sri Lanka conveyed its rejection to external initiatives arguing that resources for such initiatives will not be used appropriately.
Venezuela condemned the measures of the USA against the government of Venezuela. Venezuela argued that these actions and sanctions have a negative impact on the people of the country. Venezuela also stated its initiatives to provide food and housing for its citizens and to expand the vaccination efforts against Covid 19. Finally, Venezuela regretted that in the HC report there were politicized remarks and unreliable sources were used.
Statements by Members of the HRC
Denmark recalled that it was the last session of Denmark as a member of the HRC. Denmark also stated its leading role against torture and in defense of the rights of women, children, and indigenous peoples.
Italy stated that it would be the last ordinary session of Italy's mandate for the HRC. Italy detailed its work on promoting gender equality and its fight against all gender violence and any form of discrimination. Finally, Italy expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan.
Slovenia on behalf of the EU conveyed the need for accountability for violations of human rights in Afghanistan. Slovenia stated the European Union's commitment to investigate the Beirut explosion of 2020. Slovenia also expressed concern for the violence in Cameroon, for the repression in Nicaragua, and stressed the need for the government of Sri Lanka to continue to engage with the HRC.
Italy, on behalf of a list of 48 states, expressed concern for the violations of human rights across Afghanistan, in particular the rights of women, children, journalists, activists, minorities, LGBT community and workers for foreign entities. Italy stressed the need to promote accountability in Afghanistan and to monitor the human rights situation in the country.
Gambia, on behalf of 34 states supporting the sovereignty of Morocco on the West Saharan regions, stated that the samara issue is a regional dispute and acknowledge the efforts of the Morocco government to promote human rights throughout its entire territory.
Pakistan, on behalf of the Islamic Cooperation, expressed concern for the violations of human rights and international law in Palestine as well for the human rights of the Rohingya people. Pakistan condemned the actions of India in the region of Kashmir as well as conveyed its support for the people in Afghanistan, especially women and children.
Ecuador, on behalf of a group of 50 countries, thanked the HC for the update on Nicaragua and expressed concern for the repression of journalists, activists, and the political opposition in the country. Ecuador also urged the government of Nicaragua to ensure human rights in its country and conveyed doubt in the legitimacy of the November 7 general elections.
The United Kingdom, on behalf of the core group on Sri Lanka, expressed condolences to the people of Sri Lanka for the many lives lost during the Covid 19 pandemic. The UK also stated that accountability in the country had regressed and that there had been cases of intimidation and surveillance against civil society, protesters, and journalists. The UK reiterated the need for independent and impartial investigations on deaths under police custody and urged Sri Lanka to cooperate with the HC.
Azerbaijan, on behalf of Non-Allied Movement, expressed appreciation for the work done by the HC, called for the HC to ensure all human rights are universal, and reaffirmed the NAMs commitment to strengthen human rights.
Cameroon, on behalf of the African Group, welcomed the cooperation with the HC and reiterated the need for a constructive approach in order to find solutions in African countries. Cameroon called for the HC to prioritize the right for all to have access to the Covid 19 vaccine as well as to continue working on fighting climate change and issues regarding racism.
China, on behalf of a group of countries, stated that peace and security are the basic means to promote human rights and that states should respect sovereignty and the territorial integrity of countries. China followed by stating that differences among states should be addressed through dialogue and negotiations and called for the need to promote sustainable development and for the respect of the diversity of civilizations.
Timor-Leste, on behalf of a group of countries, expressed hope that the serious violations of human rights in the occupied western Sahara territories will be mentioned in the next HC update. Timor-Leste also called for Morocco to stop the targeting of human rights defenders and addressed the need for an observation mission in the region.
China, on behalf of a group of countries, expressed concern on chronic human rights issues in the USA, such as the number of Covid 19 deaths in the country and the use of alleged political manipulation to shift blame to other countries, and called on the HRC to continue to observe the human rights situation in the USA. China also stated that the USA interference in other countries has frequently infringed on the human rights of such countries.
Austria, on behalf of a group of countries, conveyed concern on the situation of journalists and media members in Pangasinan. Austria stated that only a few journalists are still allowed to work in the country and that many have suffered attacks and intimidations.
China, on behalf of a group of countries, deplored the military actions of the USA and its allies in Afghanistan, which have compromised the human rights, the economy, and the integrity of the country. China also called for the investigation of crimes committed by the USA and allies in Afghanistan and stated that the countries in question must be held accountable for the killing of civilians.
Egypt, on behalf of a group of countries, thanked the HC for the update and encouraged the OHCHR to ensure that non-governmental organizations act in good faith.
Germany aligned itself with the EU statement and stated the need to promote human rights in the world. Germany expressed gratitude to the HC and complimented the HRC for continuing to work during a pandemic. Germany also expressed concern for the human rights situation in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, and Uganda.
France expressed gratitude to the HC and aligned itself with the statement made by the EU. France conveyed concern for the situation of civil society in many countries, while also condemning the human rights situation in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Ghana and New Guinea.
Indonesia shared the concern with the HC on the existential crisis of climate change. Indonesia called for the need to protect the environment, to combat deforestation and to reduce the CO2 gas emissions.
Armenia thanked the HC and expressed appreciation for the HC commitment to the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Armenia stated that the human rights of Armenians continue to be violated by Azerbaijan and called for Azerbaijan to release Armenian prisoners. Armenia also commended China for its commitment to eradicate poverty.
Mexico stated its support for multilateral action to deal with climate change. Mexico also expressed concern for the worsening situation of human rights in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and called for the non-politzerization of the HRC.
Japan stated its commitment and close cooperation with the HC. Japan also conveyed its concern on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and called for the protection of human rights of women, children, and minorities. Japan also expressed concern for the human rights situation in Venezuela and for the political conflict in Nicaragua. Regarding Sri Lanka, Japan noted the efforts made by the Sri Lanka government for its reconciliation programs.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela criticized the coercive measures and media campaigns that some countries implement against others. Venezuela also commended China for fostering the prosperity of its citizens, Nicaragua for demonstrating its commitment to human rights, and Sri Lanka for restoring peace in the country. Venezuela also expressed support to all initiatives that will lead to stability and a peaceful solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.
Senegal called for worldwide access to the Covid 19 vaccine. Senegal also expressed concern for the increase of racial incidents and religious discrimination in the world and online.
South Korea conveyed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and in Ethiopia. South Korea also highlighted the importance of increasing accountability for human rights violations in Myanmar and acknowledged the efforts made by the Sri Lanka government to ensure human rights and accountability in the country.
The President closes the 3rd Meeting of the 48th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council at 13:00.
The Vice-President opens the 4th Meeting of the 48th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council at 15:00.
Austria expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and in Yemen and the need to achieve political solutions to the conflicts. Austria called for Nicaragua to hold free and fair elections and encouraged Cameroon to engage in peaceful negotiations to cease hostilities in the country.
Argentina thanked the HC for the oral update and reaffirmed its commitment to the preservation of human rights around the world. Argentina expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan, in particular for the human rights of civilians, and called for political dialogue in Venezuela.
The Netherlands called for the respect of human rights around the world and conveyed concern for the Afghan population and for the need to ensure accountability in the country. The Netherlands urged Venezuelan authorities to respect the OHCHR permanent presence in the country.
Bahrein aligned its statement to the political and regional groups it belongs. Bahrein called for the need to redouble efforts to combat Covid 19 and encouraged the international community to cooperate in the fight against the pandemic.
Cuba rejected the statement made by the EU on Cuba and called for the HC to have an impartial perspective. Cuba condemned the threats to countries in development and expressed solidarity with Nicaragua and Venezuela. Cuba also called for the end of the USA embargoes in Cuba.
Uruguay expressed concern for the deterioration of human rights across the world and conveyed the need for transparent and inclusive democracy processes. Uruguay also conveyed concern for the deterioration of the procedural guarantees for detained human rights defenders in Nicaragua.
The Russian Federation condemned the use of human rights as an excuse by some states to put pressure on Venezuela and stated that the problems of Venezuela can only be resolved without international interference. Russia also celebrated the efforts made by Nicaragua and Sri Lanka to resolve problems without international influence, and also expressed concern for the situation of civilians in Afghanistan.
India stated that human rights can only prevail through dialogue, solidarity, and impartiality, and called for the non-interference in internal affairs of states. India also expressed concern for the situation of women, children, and minorities in Afghanistan.
Nepal stated the need to tackle climate change and called for support on its efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Nepal also expressed its commitment to the OHCHR.
Brazil thanked the HC for the update and called for the protection of indigenous people's rights, environmental activists, and reaffirmed its recognition to the independent work done by the HC.
Namibia aligned its statement to the African Group. Namibia called upon Israel to refrain from using force against the Palestinian population and called for the need to end the impunity of the occupying authorities. Namibia also expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and criticized the HC for not updating on the situation of Western Sahara.
China welcomed the HC attention on climate change. China stated that human rights in China are now more protected than ever and that people from all nationalities enjoy their rights in the country. China expressed its opposition to any intention of external interference, praising Venezuela and Sri Lanka, and criticized USA, UK and Australia for trying to interfere in other countries' politics.
The Czech Republic thanked the HC for the update and expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Cuba. The Czech Republic also stated that it had taken a good note to the update on Sri Lanka
Bolivia called for solidarity with the countries more vulnerable to Covid 19 and stated a capitalist approach to the pandemic would only worsen the situation. Bolivia also called for the non-interference by other states and conveyed its commitment to ensure accountability in the county as a means to achieve a successful reconciliation process.
Pakistan condemned India for committing human rights violations in Kashmir and for silencing human rights defenders in the region. Pakistan called for the international community to pressure India to end its abuses in Kashmir.
Mauritania thanked the HC for the oral update and for including in the report the adverse impact on human rights of Covid 19. Mauritania also stated the importance of the rights to development.
Sudan welcomed the work done by the OHCHR to improve the human rights situation in the world and agreed with the HC on the need to tackle climate change. Sudan also stated that military conflicts and displaced populations became aggravated due to climate change.
Ukraine expressed concern for the actions taken by Russia on the occupied territories in Ukraine. Ukraine stated the Russia had committed numerous human rights violations in the region such as torture, enforced disappearance and the illegal detention of journalists.
The Philippines welcomed the mention of climate change in the HC update. The Philippines expressed its commitment to contribute to the work of the council on human rights issues.
The United Kingdom expressed concern for the situation of Afghanistan, in particular for women, children, and minorities. The UK also conveyed its concern for the situation of human rights in Guinea, Cameroon, Myanmar, and Nicaragua.
Eritrea thanked the HC for the update. Eritrea called for the non-intervention by other countries and for the respect of sovereignty.
Burkina Faso expressed concern for the Sahel and for the effects of climate change in the region. Burkina Faso also stated that it had been facing security concerns due to terrorist attacks in the country.
Bangladesh conveyed its concern for the uneven distribution of Covid 19 vaccines around the world. Bangladesh also stated its commitment to ensure the human rights of its citizens and reminded the HRC that Bangladesh had been hosting Rohingya refugees. Bangladesh called for the international community to put pressure on Myanmar to accept back its Rohingya citizens.
Cote d'Ivoire expressed concern over the Covid 19 pandemic, stating that it particularly exacerbated the human rights situation of women and children. Cote d'Ivoire also called for the need to fight climate change.
Cameroon stated that the country was experiencing a positive trend in regard to peace and called attention to the Grand National Dialogue which the country had organized. Cameroon assured that its government had been taking measures to ensure peace and security in the country.
Togo stated the need to guarantee the universality of the Covid 19 vaccine. Togo also conveyed the need to fight climate change and detailed its government initiatives to ensure biodiversity in the country.
Statements by observer states in the HRC
Tunisia stated that democracy in Tunisia was an irreversible choice and that freedom of expression in the country had not been undermined.
Norway called for the Taliban to ensure human rights to all people in Afghanistan and expressed concern for the detention of politicians and journalists in Nicaragua. Norway also encouraged Sri Lanka to ensure a reconciliation process in the country.
Liechtenstein stated the importance of accountability for human rights violations. Liechtenstein expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Afghanistan and conveyed the need to tackle climate change worldwide.
Luxemburg shared the HC point of view that climate change is the biggest challenge for human rights. Luxemburg expressed concern for the murder and aggressions of climate defenders around the world.
Qatar conveyed the need to tackle climate change and expressed its commitment to work on renewable energies.
Slovenia aligned with the EU statement. Slovenia called for the need for a sustainable environment and for the protection of environmental defenders around the world.
Costa Rica called for the need to urgently act against climate change. Costa Rica also expressed concern for the human rights situation in Nicaragua and in Venezuela.
The United Arab Emirates conveyed the importance of reestablishing peace and security in Afghanistan and detailed its efforts in the evacuation of Afghan people from Kabul.
Colombia expressed concern for the situation of indigenous communities in Venezuela and for the need for Venezuela to return to a democratic political system. Colombia also rejected the persecution of politicians, protesters, and journalists in Nicaragua and advocated for the rights of women and children in Afghanistan.
Egypt noted that it had followed the update on Sri Lanka and commended the reconciliation efforts made by the Sri Lanka government.
Switzerland stated that civil society in Belarus has suffered continuous repression and violations of their human rights. Switzerland also expressed concern for the situation in Venezuela and Nicaragua and called for an independent investigation on the explosion in Beirut (Lebanon).
Greece expressed concern for the Covid 19 pandemic and its effects on human rights as well as conveyed its commitment to the HC to tackle the environmental threats to human rights.
The Sovereign Order of Malta conveyed concern for the human rights situation in Afghanistan, in particular the situation of women and children, and called for cooperation among the international community to protect the human rights of Afghan refugees.
Ecuador condemned the arbitrary detentions of protesters, journalists and the opposition in Nicaragua and called for the Nicaraguan government to ensure free and fair elections. Ecuador also expressed concern for the situation in Venezuela and Afghanistan.
Israel detailed its policies against Covid 19 and criticized the HCR's one-sided resolution regarding Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories. Israel criticized the HRC for being biased.
Australia stated the impact that Covid 19 has on human rights and expressed its concern on how states use the pandemic situation as a shield for human rights abuses. Australia also conveyed its concern on the situation in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Hong Kong.
Finland expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Afghanistan and in Ethiopia.
Spain expressed its concern on the situation in Afghanistan and on the repression in Nicaragua.
Iraq criticized the polarization in the statements made by the OHCHR regarding the situation of human rights in Bagdad. Iraq qualified the HC reports as unreliable and did not accept the criticisms made by the OHCHR.
Thailand called for the inclusive participation of local governments and local communities in the efforts to fight against environmental threats.
South Africa stated that those states which have a minor impact on climate change are the ones who become more harmed by it. South Africa also expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Palestine and called for the fight against racism in the world.
Albania conveyed its concern on the situation of human rights for women and children in the world, in particular in Afghanistan.
Kenya welcomed the oral update by the HC and aligned itself with the statements made by the African Group. Kenya expressed its commitment against the fight on climate change and the need for sustainable development efforts.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea rejected the attempts to interfere in other countries, such as with Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Hong Kong/China. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea urged the HCR to follow the principles of non-interference, impartiality, and cooperation.
The United States of America stressed the need for the Taliban to treat the Afghan population with respect and dignity, especially women, children and minorities. The USA also urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to investigate crimes in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Belarus rejected the biased approach of the OHCHR, criticizing the HC for only including statements in the report which are directed to developing countries and for continuing to view it with a positive perspective developed countries.
Zimbabwe thanked the HC update on the situation in Sri Lanka and stated that Sri Lanka is a country which no longer is experiencing internal conflict and therefore does not warrant the continued attention of the HRC.
Morocco stated that in the Sahara region there has been active and democratic elections. Morocco also detailed its policies against terrorism and the return back to Morocco of unaccompanied migrants who had arrived to European countries.
Laos expressed its commitment to the HRC and commended Sri Lanka and Venezuela for their efforts to cooperate with the HRC. Laos also called for the non-interference of the international community on China's internal issues.
Turkey stated its commitment to fight climate change. Turkey also expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and for the Afghan refugees.
New Zealand called for free and fair elections in Venezuela and Nicaragua and called for all parties in Afghanistan to abide by human rights principles. New Zealand also expressed concern for the reports on Syria, Yemen and Belarus.
Ireland welcomed the strong focus by the HC on climate change and its effects on human rights. Ireland also called for the protection of environmental defenders around the world.
Malaysia stated that it will prioritize climate change and the negative impacts it has on human rights. Malaysia also reaffirmed its cooperation with the OHCHR.
Belgium expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan, condemned the coup d'état in Guinea, called for the preservation of human rights of the LGBT community in Ghana and criticized Malawi for stopping the abolishment of the death penalty.
Singapore argued in favor of preserving compulsory military service in the country as a way to guarantee its national security.
El Salvador expressed gratitude for the HC and welcomed the focus on tackling the threat of climate change. El Salvador reaffirmed its commitment to cooperate in the efforts to protect people from climate change.
Croatia stated the disproportionate impact that the Covid 19 has on vulnerable communities. Croatia also stressed the importance of tackling climate change, its concern for the situation in Afghanistan and its concern for the financial crisis of the OHCHR.
Portugal stated the Covid 19 effects on human rights, mental health and economic stability. Portugal also expressed concern for the financial situation of the OHCHR.
Iran condemned the USA for its persistent interference in other countries, including Venezuela. Iran conveyed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and criticized the USA for its responsibility in the current situation of the country.
Malta thanked the HC for the update and expressed concern for the situation of women, girls, journalists, and minorities in Afghanistan. Malta also addressed the threat of climate change.
The Syrian Arab Republic stressed the need to achieve fair access to the Covid 19 vaccine and criticized the western countries for impeding the fair distribution of the vaccine. Syria also emphasized the access of water as a fundamental right.
Estonia expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan, in particular the situation for women, children, and minorities, as well as concern for the situation in Belarus and called for the release of all political prisoners and for free elections in the country.
Vanuatu expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan, in particular for the right of education for women and girls.
North Macedonia called for the need to address climate change and conveyed concern for the situation in Afghanistan. North Macedonia informed the HRC of its decision to accept Afghan refugees.
Hungary stated the effects of Covid 19 on human rights across the world. Hungary also stated the need to ensure impartial monitoring of the implementation of human rights by the OHCHR.
The Dominican Republic stated its support for China and stressed the importance of the principles of universality, impartiality, and objectivity.
Georgia expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, and in the Russian occupied regions of Georgia.
Iceland thanked the HC for the update and expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and in northern Ethiopia, calling for the need for humanitarian access.
Afghanistan expressed gratitude for the solidarity received during the meeting, whoever Afghanistan stressed the situation of women and girls in the country and called for the international community to hold the Taliban accountable.
Serbia thanked the HC for the update and stated the importance of tackling the Covid 19 pandemic around the world.
Jordan conveyed its support for the need to rally the international community in the fight against climate change and for the need to guarantee food security at an international level.
Slovakia expressed its concern for the future of democracy and human rights in Afghanistan, as well as with the religious freedoms and the security of minorities in the country.
Sri Lanka called for the OHCHR to not overstep its boundaries. Sri Lanka also stated that the international community should not interfere in China's and Nicaragua's internal affairs and called for the end of the sanctions against Venezuela.
Algeria called attention to the digital program Pegasus, which since 2016 has enabled countries and individuals to spy on persons, private entities and other countries.
Chile stated the need to combat the triple effects of climate change, pollution and loss of nature as well as stressed the need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Chile also expressed concern for the budget limitations of the UN and the HRC.
Nigeria shared the concern of the HC regarding climate change and droughts in the African continent. Nigeria detailed its policies on the prevention of natural disasters in the country.
Lebanon reaffirmed its commitment to ensure human rights in the country and its democratic freedom. Lebanon also noted that the country is hosting 1.4 million Syrian refugees.
Azerbaijan shared the concerns of the HC on climate change and stated its intent to transform the liberated areas of Nagorno-Karabakh into an environmentally friendly region. Azerbaijan also invited specialized UN agencies and the HC to the region to oversee the post-conflict situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Mali expressed its concern for the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region and stated the need to guarantee security and justice.
Moldova reiterated its concern for the deterioration of human rights across the world, in particular in Afghanistan.
Sweden stated its commitment to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights around the world, as well as the right of education, work, and freedom of movement for women. Sweden also expressed concern for the situation of human rights in Cuba and Nicaragua and called for an independent investigation on the explosion in Beirut.
Nigeria expressed its concern for the impact of climate change on human rights and stated its commitment to work with the international community against the negative effects of climate change.
Uganda was not present.
Botswana stressed the need for enhanced international cooperation to fight climate change as well as highlighted the role of women in leading these efforts.
Kazakhstan expressed concern for the situation in Afghanistan and stated the need to stabilize the region of Central Asia.
Cambodia detailed its policies and efforts to combat the Covid 19 pandemic, but regretted that these efforts had not been represented in the reports by the OHCHR.
Panama stressed the need to combat the triple crisis in the planet: pollution, climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Panama stated the need for the international community to cooperate to fight the triple crisis.
Timor-Leste emphasized that the Covid 19 pandemic especially affects vulnerable countries, post-conflict countries and island countries, and called for the need for international cooperation to tackle the pandemic. Timor-Leste also called for the need to respect the human rights of the people in Western Sahara.
Maldives detailed its policies to combat climate change and stated its support to China as an important development partner for the country.
Chad stated the commitment of its new government to guarantee human rights in the country and to foster an environment of dialogue. Chad also reiterated its commitment to cooperate with the OHCHR.
Tanzania stated its commitment to fight climate change. Tanzania also congratulated the government of Zambia for celebrating free and fair elections and called for the non-interference in China's internal affairs.
South Sudan called for the international community to not interfere in the internal affairs of counties. South Sudan also stated its encouragement to the government of Ethiopia for dealing with the conflict in the Tigray region and expressed its support to the government of China.
Mauritius called for the need for international collaboration to fight the critical situation of climate change.
Vietnam stated the need to guarantee the fair distribution of Covid 19 vaccines around the world. Vietnam also stated that some statements by other countries had been unfounded.
The Vice-President closed the 4th Meeting of the 48th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council at 18:00 on the 14th of September 2021.
September 22, 2021: General debate
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Marc Enzo Belligoi Gomis on September 22nd, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Madame President Nazhat Shameem Khan opened the 15th Meeting, 48th Regular Session Human Rights Council (HRC) on the 22nd of September at 10:00.
Statements by Members of the Council
Pakistan, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, stated that the protection, promotion, and cooperation for human rights need to be guided by dialogue and by the principles of universality, impartiality, and transparency. Pakistan also stated that selective approaches, double standards and politicization undermine the legitimacy of the HRC and called for the treatment of all human rights with a fair approach, all with the same emphasis. Finally, Pakistan expressed concern for the lack of Covid 19 vaccine equity and condemned islamophobia around the world.
Slovenia, on behalf of the EU and North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, and Armenia, regretted that the briefing that the Chair of the Peacebuilding mandate did not take place. Slovenia also stated that the EU opposes the death penalty and expressed concern for sexual and gender-based violence, the safety of indigenous human rights defenders, and the right to have access to clean and safe water.
Argentina, on behalf of a group of countries, stated that the Covid 19 pandemic highlighted the essential work of caretakers. Argentina followed by calling attention to the fact that around the world women and girls undertake more unpaid care work than men and stated the need to adopt necessary measures to remove barriers for women and girls and to promote equal opportunities and participation in the labor market.
Uruguay, on behalf of Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, and Uruguay, expressed discontent for the no implementation of the mandate on HRC on preventing human rights violations. Uruguay also regretted that there was no oral update by the Chari on the mandate of the Peacebuilding Commission.
India, on behalf of a group of twenty-two countries, reiterated the importance of the principles of university, impartiality, objectivity, and non-selectivity and called for the HRC to integrate all human rights. India also stated that the selective focus of the council on certain human rights issues and situations is counterproductive and called for the non-interference in internal issues and policies of states.
Azerbaijan, on behalf of the Non-Allied Movement, welcomed the report by Mr. Saad Alfarargi on the right to development and expressed their support for his mandate. Azerbaijan also stated that all human rights, including the right to development, are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, and that the HRC should provide equal treatment to civil and political rights, economic and social rights, as well as the right to development.
Luxembourg, on behalf of Azerbaijan, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Fiji, Portugal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uruguay, and Luxemburg, stated that the Covid 19 pandemic has stressed the importance of the relations between promotion and protection of human rights and the implementation of the 2030 agenda. Luxembourg also reiterated its commitment to their human rights obligations.
Ecuador, on behalf of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Ecuador, expressed concern over the distribution of the Covid 19 vaccine around the world and criticised the disparities in the distribution. Ecuador also called for the need of international cooperation and solidarity to respond to the Covid 19 pandemic, which exacerbates inequalities between countries.
Norway, on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic Countries, regretted that the HRC did not get to hear from the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission. Norway also expressed concern for the targeting of women, activists, peacebuilders, minorities, journalists, and other media workers around the world, and called for states to ensure accountability and combat impunity.
China, on behalf of a group of countries, stated that many representations of colonialism, such as economic exploitation, inequalities, systemic racism, violations of indigenous human rights, armed conflicts, etc., are still impeding the engagement of human rights around the world, including the right to development. China also called upon the international community to jointly eliminate the negative impact of the effects of colonialism and to promote and protect human rights.
Bahrein, on behalf of a group of countries, called for the integration of women in peace processes and in conflict prevention initiatives. Bahrein also stated that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights, however, discrimination persists, even in the diplomatic arena.
China, on behalf of a group of countries, stated that certain countries, under the pretext of democracy and human rights, flagrantly conducted illegal military interventions and prolonged occupations in sovereign states, which undermined the sovereignty and territorial integrity of those countries. China also stated that there needs to be reparations for those countries affected by such military interventions and occupations.
Armenia stated that September 21st marks the 30th anniversary of Armenia's independence. Armenia then followed by detailing policies and initiatives that the country has undertaken to incorporate international human law and policies of genocide prevention. Armenia also called attention to the violations of human rights by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
France aligned its statement with the one made by the EU. France conveyed that the multiplication of crises, particularly the Covid 19 pandemic, climate change, pollution, the loss of biodiversity, as well as socio-economic inequalities, have an increasing impact on human rights. France also stated the link between issues regarding human rights and the environment and called for equality for women and girls in the world and the need to defend their rights.
Venezuela associated itself with the statement made by the NAM. Venezuela also expressed its support for the mandate of the working group on arbitrary detentions and enforced disappearances, as well as the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to development. Venezuela also stated that unilateral and coercive illegal measures on the part of some states violates international law and affects the enjoyment of human rights.
The Republic of Korea stated that serious human rights violations are often the root causes of conflict and violence and must be remedied to ensure lasting peace. The Republic of Korea also conveyed that sustainable and inclusive development can only be ensured by a human rights approach. Finally, the Republic of Korea expressed its appreciation for the report on the right of privacy in the digital age.
Indonesia reaffirmed its commitment to the respect, promotion, and protection of all human rights. Indonesia also stated that the disregard of the right to development contributes to inequality in the response of the Covid 19 pandemic and to prolonged crises. Indonesia also called for international cooperation to ensure the recovery from the Covid 19 pandemic.
Cuba started its statement by criticizing the illegal economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the USA against Cuba, which has direct effects on the population of the country, and which is criminal and immoral, especially during a situation of a pandemic.
The Russian Federation noted with regret a growing disregard by countries in the West of the fundamental principles of international law and non-interference. The Russian Federation stated that the West is looking for new supply markets, cheap labor, access to natural resources, and to do so they are searching for "new colonies". The Russian Federation claimed that, in order to do so, the West uses the pretext of the protection of human rights to intervene in other countries.
Nepal called for the need to protect and promote civil and political, as well as social, economic, and cultural rights. Nepal also detailed recent achievements by the country in gender parity and empowerment as well as the government's priority to reduce poverty and promote economic growth in the country.
Namibia aligned itself with the statement delivered by the NAM. Namibia stated that the low vaccination rate in developing countries means that the entire world remains vulnerable to Covid 19 and called for international cooperation and solidarity to be able to deal with the pandemic. Namibia also stated the importance of the right to self-determination for people under occupation.
China stated that Covid 19 has shown that multilateral human rights institutions have not sufficiently invested long enough into economic, social, and cultural rights. China also called on the HRC to ensure all human rights equally, and stated that the Chinese Communist Party, which recently celebrated its 100th anniversary, has solved the problem of poverty in the country and ensured human rights at the highest level.
Pakistan stated that during the 70-year Indian occupation of Kashmir, the people of the region have been suffering discrimination by the occupying forces. Pakistan claimed that there are warning signs of ethnic cleansing and that India continues to trample human rights in the region.
Mauritania started its statement by conveying that all human rights face major challenges due to Covid 19, and that the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals has been gravely affected due to the pandemic. Mauritania also detailed internal policies and measures taken in order to improve the living standards of its citizens, and to guarantee health and medical coverage and food security to a higher number of citizens.
Sudan stressed the importance of the right to development and stated that climate change is one of the main threats to humanity, which lead to a lack of food security, forced displacements and armed conflicts. Sudan called for the need to establish a mandate with a Special Rapporteur on climate change and human rights.
Germany aligned itself with the statement made by the EU. Germany also stated that peace and security on the one hand and human rights on the other are two sides of the same coin, and that the HRC and the UN Security Council must collaborate as humanly possible. Germany expressed its opposition the death penalty and claimed that criminal punishment has no deterrent effect on crime rates.
Qatar, on behalf of a group of countries, stated that the 9th of September marks the second anniversary of the International Day for the Protection of Education from Attack and expressed the need for a safe learning environment and a quality education for everyone, including for girls. Qatar also expressed concern for the Covid 19 effects on education and for the increase of attacks on schools, education facilities, students and educators.
Statements by the List of Observer States
The International Committee of the Red Cross and Switzerland reiterated their appreciation for the inclusivity of the work conducted under resolution 46/16. They also called on states and organizations to show support for the Montreux Document, which is intended to promote respect for humanitarian law and human rights law.
Ecuador expressed concern for the unequal access to vaccines for countries and called for the need to mainstream human rights-based approaches to recover from Covid 19. Ecuador also detailed national policies to promote vaccination campaigns in the country.
Switzerland criticized the lack of transparency of those countries who continue to enact the death penalty. Switzerland also stated that it is working on strengthening the links between the UN in Geneva and the UN in New York.
Finland aligned itself with the statement made by the EU. Finland expressed its full support for the call to action for human rights by the UN Secretary General as well as its concern for the security and precariousness of human rights defenders around the world.
Iraq stated the importance of leaving countries the choice as to how they protect rights according to their national capacities, challenges, security, financial and cultural particularities. Iraq also stated the importance of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries.
South Africa expressed concern that Covid 19 has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities and led to a setback for the progress on women's rights and for the protection of persons under vulnerable situations. South Africa also stated that racism has also been exacerbated by the pandemic and called for universal access to the vaccines.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea detailed national policies to provide food to the population and stated that the country has actively joined international efforts to promote and protect human rights around the world.
The USA stated that societies which respect and promote democratic institutions, the rule of law, human rights, and gender equality are more stable, prosperous and secure, and better equipped to face challenges. The USA also called for democratic society to continue to defend civil society, independent media, promote free and fair elections, and insist on accountability.
Belarus expressed its support for the death penalty and stated that it will not bend to the pressure imposed by the EU. However, Belarus expressed its support for the increase of transparency regarding the capital punishment.
Saudi Arabia reaffirmed its continuous efforts to promote and protect human rights at a national and international level. Saudi Arabia also reiterated its continuous cooperation with the human rights mechanisms and stated that a selective focus on some human rights situations leads to a negative impact on the mandate of the HRC.
Malaysia stated that as an aspiring member to the HRC it will continue to allocate respect and promote all human rights, including the right to development. Malaysia also expressed concern for the Covid 19 pandemic and called for vaccine equity among countries.
Georgia expressed its strong support to the Responsibility to Protect and for the need to prevent genocides, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. Georgia also stated that the human rights situation in the Russian occupied Georgian territories has been deteriorating and stated that the occupying forces have been committing human rights violations.
Afghanistan called for the need to respect human rights of all, especially of minorities, human rights defenders, journalists, women and girls. Afghanistan criticized the Taliban's decision to open schools only for boys, denying girls the right of education. Afghanistan also called for the international community to stand with the people of Afghanistan in order to protect their human rights.
UNICEF and UN Women stated that girls must be able to complete their education without discrimination and free from gender biases and expressed supports for states which work to end discrimination of girls' rights.
Nigeria expressed that it understands the imperative of upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms. Nigeria also detailed national efforts to protect citizens from Covid 19 and to ensure the SDG in the country.
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf highlighted the importance of promoting and protecting human rights in order to achieve prosperity at all levels of society as well as it emphasized the importance of international cooperation to combat pandemics, climate change, and the technological impact on human rights.
Timor-Leste expressed that, in the times of Covid 19, states should put aside their differences and be committed to provide a strong response to the pandemic. Timor-Leste also stated that civil society in the country has been able to build bridges between vulnerable communities and to strengthen dialogue and reconciliation, while at the same time holding the government accountable and bringing citizens closer to the democratic institutions.
Botswana stated that the Covid 19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the people of Botswana, as well as the implementation of the SDG in the country. Botswana also called for the need to ensure Covid 19 vaccines for everyone and criticized the difficulties of mobilizing international resources to help countries recover from the pandemic.
The United Nations Environment Program expressed encouragement by the Council's increasing awareness on environmental issues and the link with human rights. The United Nations Environment Program also commended the Council's leadership in negotiating a draft to recognize the right to a healthy environment.
Comoros expressed concern for the increase of the violence against women and children in the country despite the efforts made by the government. Comoros stated that it will continue to establish measures to eradicate this phenomenon by the year 2030.
Sweden stated that the impact of the global pandemic pls the extreme weather events due to climate change are putting great pressure on human rights across the world. Sweden called for the need for the international community to cooperate and stated its strong support for the multilateral system, with the UN at its core. Sweden also expressed concern for the situation of human rights defenders around the world, who are facing greater challenges and are putting their lives at risk.
Iran stated that it has always advocated for the non-politicization of the HRC. Iran also stated that efforts to achieve sustainable development by developing countries are often restrained by obstacles out of their control, such as the adverse effects of unilateralism, global health crises, unilateral coercive measures, and climate change.
Sierra Leone stated that its government is committed to fulfill its obligations to all human rights, including the right to development, as well as committed to implement the 2030 agenda, the SDGs, and the Paris Agreement.
Tunisia called for international cooperation to protect human rights, without selectivity or discrimination. Tunisia also stated that the situation for developing countries has worsened due to the pandemic and called for the need for universal access to the vaccines.
Lebanon focused its statement on AI systems, which although constituting a giant leap forward in terms of technology, such advances could pose a threat to certain human rights as well as widen the digital and technological gap between nations.
The United Republic of Tanzania stated the need for the protection of a safe and clean sustainable development and stated that the environment is always the first victim of poverty. Tanzania also detailed national policies and legislation implemented to protect biodiversity and the environment in the country.
Algeria conveyed that it works hard to defend the human rights of men and women in the country. Algeria also stated that people living under occupation and the resources of which are being pillaged should be able to enjoy all their rights, including the right of self-determination.
Mauritius detailed national policies, such as free education and free transport and meals for children in disadvantaged situations, to guarantee the right to education in the country.
The written statements by non-governmental speakers can be found here.
October 1, 2021: General debate under ITEM 6.
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Marc Enzo Belligoi Gomis on October 4th, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Madam President Nazhat Shameem opened the General Debate under ITEM 6 on the 1st of October at 15:00pm.
Statements by Members of the Council
Slovenia, on behalf of the European Union, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, Lichtenstein, Moldova, Armenia, and Georgia, stated their support for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism, whose ultimate goal is to improve the situation of human rights for people all over the world. Slovenia also called on states to facilitate the participation of civil society in the UPR processes.
Malaysia, on behalf of ASEAN, affirmed their unwavering support to the UPR process, and stated that it should continue to serve as a platform for constructive exchanges of views and good practices based on the principles of non-selectivity, impartiality, and objectivity.
Pakistan, on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), stated that contribution of the UPR mechanism, which is largely isolated from pollicization, is manifest in the steady growth of legislative policies and administrative measures taken by the states concerned. Pakistan also expressed appreciation for the role of civil society and national institutions for their constructive critique and suggestions to improve human rights.
Azerbaijan, on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, reiterated the need to preserve the UPR as the only international mechanism of intergovernmental cooperation to examine human rights issues at a national level in all UN member states on an equal footing. Azerbaijan also stated that the UPR should aim at strengthening the capacity of member states upon their request, consent, and consultation.
Belgium, on behalf of a group of francophone member states and observer states of the organization of La Francophonie, commended the support provided at the request of member states by La Francophonie, and called for the need to develop suggestions and recommendations to enforce the UPR in its fourth cycle, which will commence in 2022.
India, on behalf of a group of countries, emphasized the effectiveness of the UPR mechanism and its universal support. India also called for the HRC to allow more time for the review of the UPR recommendations and stated that the lack of improvements by states is not because of lack of willingness, but for the lack of resources.
Venezuela aligned itself with the statement made by NAM and the statement made by India. Venezuela stated that it is only by involving the states concerned in the recommendations, as it is in the case of the UPR, that the human rights situation of the county improves.
Indonesia stated that they have implemented an inclusive approach for the last UPR recommendations received in 2017. Indonesia expressed that it will continue to work to fulfill the recommendations and called for the need for the international community to maintain its support to the UPR.
Bahrain called for the need to continue to strengthen the UPR in order to promote and protect human rights. Bahrain also called attention to the need to take into account the capacities of each state and reminded the HRC that the recommendations of the UPR are voluntary.
Cuba stated that the ongoing proliferation of selective and discriminatory mechanisms is incompatible with the goals and nature of the UPR. Cuba also conveyed that, despite the Covid 19 pandemic, the government has been able to continue with the scheduled UPR framework.
India expressed its support to the UPR mechanism and called for the UN to focus on the UPR recommendations that have been accepted by the countries concerned.
China conveyed the importance of the UPR mechanism for the HRC and called upon states to engage in sincere dialogue and cooperation during the UPR processes, and to make recommendations considering the situation of each country.
Sudan underscored the importance to maintain the working group sessions relating to the UPR in a spirit of cooperation in order to fulfill the goals for which it was established.
Statements by the List of Observer States
Iraq stressed the importance of the UPR in decisions relating to human rights, always following the principles of impartiality, non-selectivity, equality, and non-discrimination. Iraq also called for the need to not politicize the UPR.
South Africa congratulated all states that had their UPR outcomes adopted during the session and stated that the UPR is the "crown jewel" of the HRC and, therefore, it should not be tampered with.
Kenya recognized the UPR process and detailed that the country has made progress on following the recommendations received through the UPR.
Belarus stated that the country has consistently promoted the principle of developing dialogue through mutual respect among countries. Belarus also stated that any attempts to tamper with the UPR are unacceptable.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines stated that, although in the past few years there have been several natural disasters in the country, the government is in the final stages to complete their UPR report.
Georgia expressed its support for most of the UPR recommendations received, however, Georgia regretted that its government is prevented from ensuring the promotion and protection of human rights in the Russia occupied regions in Georgia.
Algeria stated that it renewed its strong commitment and support to the UPR, but called upon the international community to take into account the specific situation of each country when making recommendations.
Lesotho expressed appreciation for the opportunity to update on the issues that arose from the successful review by the UPR in January 2020. Lesotho stated that the country has started implementing the recommendations received, such as the prohibition of child marriages.
Guyana reaffirmed its support to the UPR mechanism and stated that the government has been working on implementing the recommendations received.
Tunisia stated that the success of the review mechanism depends in large extent to the effectiveness, independence, and credibility of the UPR, and called for the need to ensure that it is a platform for international cooperation for human rights.
Iran associated itself with the statements made by the OIC and the NAM. Iran also called for the need to strengthen the UPR and to avoid manipulation and politicization.
The written statements by non-governmental speakers can be found here.