48th Human Rights Council Reports
Report on Gender Equality
16th September 2021: Item 3 Interactive Dialogue on the analytical report of the high Commissioner on the current state of play of the mainstreaming of the human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Siran Cheng on September 20, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights starts with presenting her report on the promotion and protection of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situation highlighting the importance of the Council and Mechanism role in doing so. Ms Bachelet state that in conflicts and disasters, women and girls are burdened by wide-ranging discrimination. In conflicts, sexual and gender-based violence is also fueled and increased. In the last five years, the HRC has increased its promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls. However, Ms Bachelet states that the focus on the experience and human rights of women and girls is not consistent through the Council and should be enhanced. An intersectional approach should be promoted, and she urges that consistent and adequate attention are lacking in the Council's resolutions and mechanisms. Ms. Bachelet invites the Council and its mechanisms to integrate a gender perspective in the analysis of human rights in conflict and post-conflict situation. She also encourages the HRC to more consistently and comprehensively analyze women's and girls' experience of conflict. Ms. Bachelet recommends the Council to work closely with the Informal Expert Group on Women and Peace and Security, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in conflict and the Special Representative of the secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict.
European Union welcome the report and commence the work that has been made, however, the effective use of Human Rights Mechanisms is critical for states held to account. The EU gives the highest priority for gender equality. In conflict and post-conflict women and girls are even more vulnerable.
Egypt on behalf of the Arab Group, believes that cooperation between women is important in building peace. Arab Group support the rights of women and has done work promoting it. Arab Group calls for the need to combat all forms of violence against women and girls in all societies and to enhance women's participation in decision-making positions to eliminate the wage gap between women and men. They call for the importance of respecting the diversity of societies, traditions and values.
Argentina, speaking on behalf of Chile, Peru, Honduras, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay, recognize the issues raised by the report and encourage all countries to work with implementing the recommendations. Women should not be reduced the role of victims. We urge all countries to claim protection for all women and girls from becoming victims in conflict and post-conflict situation.
Denmark on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, protecting women and girls is linked the respect for their human rights. It is our responsibility to address dire consequences of conflict on women and girls, their full meaningful participation is important. How can the council promote a holistic and multisectoral approach to prevent conflict related sexual and gender crimes?
State of Palestine, state that the colonial occupying power Israel continues to oppress women and girls. As of today, 40 Palestinian women are held in detention in Israel. The State of Palestine is committed to promote the rights of women and children. In a world where we lack true political will, how can be ensure the rights of women and girls in conflict?
Greece aligns with the EU statements, agrees that the call for an action plan is an excellent recommendation. Special attention, specific risk of women journalists and their protection. We concur that the advisory committee has a great potential to work on these issues.
The Sovereign State of Malta shares the issues raised by the high commissioner. They wished to reaffirm the full need to apply to the international human rights that protect all women and girls.
Israel state that after 20 years since the adoption of the resolution 1325 it is important to analyze what has been done and what more can be done. Israel is encouraged that the Council is paying more attention to gender-based violence but far more can be done. We need to understand the structural problems that affect women and girls. Women play a crucial role in the prevention of conflict and resolution of conflicts.
Armenia recognize that the rights of women and girls deserves full attention of the Council. Armenia has made efforts to ensure women's full participation in the security sector domestically. Large scale military intervention by Azerbaijan has disrupted education and health care.
Indonesia notes the work of the HC and that the Council should provide more support on preventative measures. The discriminatory treatment that is part of many girls and women is aggravated in times of conflict and post-conflict. Indonesia asks the Council to provide more support for capacity building and technical support.
Ecuador recognizes the work done. Ecuador highlights the importance to tackle the structural cause of the discrimination towards women and girls as a mean to ensure peace. The diversion and unlawful transfer of weapons has a disproportional effect on the human rights of women.
Slovenia aligns with the statements with the EU and welcomes the report of the High Commissioner and its findings. There has been insufficient attentional paid to important issues affecting women's and girls in conflict situations which are related to their human rights to food, adequate housing, education, health, sexual and reproductive health
Luxembourg was not present
UNICEF welcomes the work of the report. In countries affected by conflict, girls are more at risk of not being in school than boys and more at risk at being victims of trafficking. States should continue to call for the protection and full participation of women and girls.
Spain thanks for the reports and the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls. A year ago, the resolution 45/28 was presented. We must remember that all rights must be protected, including civil and political rights but also economic, social and cultural rights. Spain will continue its work and adopt agendas where women will be the engine of change and development.
Australia is committed to the agenda and believes women's and girls' rights are central to it. Responding to the gender-based violation in conflict and post-conflict situation must be central.
Colombia thanks the report and state what efforts has been done in Colombia and wants to reintegrate the rights of women and girls.
Egypt state that they are doing everything they can to aid women and to implementing the agenda. Egypt reintegrates that woman needs to participate in the negotiation in building peace. There is not enough to launch policies and plans, resources are rather needed to be implemented.
Iraq calls for full women participation in all-level of decision making in peacebuilding. Iraq has implemented a series of plans to enhance the rights of women and girls. They call for the protection of women.
Republic of Korea state that the HRC has had an integral role in the human rights of women and girls. However, the victims and survivors of gender-based violence not only suffer from violence but also stigma and discrimination.
Montenegro notes the progressive increase in the level of engagement in the promotion and protection of women and girls. More attentional needs to be paid on the structural causes of gender-based discrimination and inequality.
Afghanistan welcomes the report and thanks for the insights and recommendations that reinforce the linkages between the work of the Council and the agenda on women and peace and security. The future of Afghanistan is uncertain and the voices of concerns of women must be reflected in an inclusive, represented, fights-based and negotiated political settlement. The Taliban failed to demonstrate that women and girls are protected. Afghanistan calls for the international policy of "wait and see" to stop.
Albania is pleased to co-sponsor the HRC solution 25/28 and is convinced that the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls is essential to the implementation of the resolution.
Botswana welcomes the report and note that during 2015-2021 the HRC dedicated 20% of its work on this matter. Continuous collaboration and international cooperation are necessary to complement the policies and actional plans.
Chile expresses its satisfaction of the evidence the Council has gathered. There is still more to be done in the fight against gender and inequality. Chile has been a pioneer in their region for action plans and hope that the High Commissioner's report will serve as a roadmap.
China state that women and girls are the most vulnerable groups, especially to attacks. The international community should strengthen the protection of the rights of women and children. The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia and other countries, has under the banner of democracy and human rights launched wars against sovereign countries and forced democratic reforms are the root causes in humanitarian disasters in Afghanistan. China is deeply concerned about this. To this day, many people in Japan still deny the crimes of the Nanjing Massacre and the forced conscription.
Croatia aligns with the EU statement. Croatia is mindful of these challenges as it has experienced conflict and post-conflict situations. Croatia is concerned about the widespread use of sexual violence that targets women and girls as a form of punishment and intimidation. A holistic, multisectoral and survivor-centered approach is needed.
Cuba reiterates its concern over the proliferation and the artificial links of the HRC and main organs of the UN. This Council should comply with the General Assembly and not the Security Council. This forum should be able to address the structural causes of gender discrimination and not the need to legitimize the harmful interference practices of the Security Council.
Cyprus aligns with the EU statement and state that the recognition of women's indispensable role in building peace and preventing conflict is of utmost importance. The National Action Plan means very little without full implementation.
France is fully committed and to combat rape as a weapon of war and all forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Strengthening the measures to prevent sexual violence within armed forces. France calls on all member states to commit to the women, peace and security agenda.
Georgia highlights that in order to safeguard the rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings it is of critical importance to ensure the relevant reformations made by the HRC and its mechanisms. Human rights monitoring mechanisms has been prevented from entering occupied Georgian regions of the Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region by the Russian Federation.
Italy aligns with the statement from the EU and is supporting the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and has made national plants to supports its full implementation. Italy is committed to place the promotion and protection of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations.
Kazakhstan has since 2019 repatriated its citizens from the war-ridden zones of Zhusan and Rusafa operations. Kazakhstan has established rehabilitation centers and is open to engage and share positive experience with member states in rehabilitating and reintegrating the returnees back to life.
Libya commends the report and promotion and protection and protection of the human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations. Libya is aware of the importance of observing the rights of women and girls, especially in conflict and post-conflict situations. They urge all nations to facilitate women and girl's access to justice.
Malawi welcomes the report and commends fellow member states for paying attention and addressing sexual gender-based violence. Malawi calls to pay attention to the areas identified in the report requiring more attention.
Namibia thanks for the report and commends the work of the Council but remains concerned as women and girls continues to be disproportionately affected by conflict situations and humanitarian crises. Namibia is committed to an increase in the number of women peacekeepers, mediators and overall leadership.
Nepal appreciate the Council's work and it is part of Nepal's Constitution to guarantee the rights of women. Priority has been given to the relief and rehabilitation of women and girls suffered during the times of conflict through training, employment and other benefits. Nepal urges that special attention for women and girls is given.
Netherlands welcomes the findings of the report. Special attention to intersectionality is needed. The respect for human rights is a prerequisite for sustainable stability, peace and security.
New Zealand state that the rights of women and girl's is critical to maintain international peace and security. Progress has been made; however, the impact of conflict makes women and girls vulnerable. The situation in Afghanistan shows the importance of promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls.
Pakistan reiterates that the Council should desist from taking lead on thematic areas in order to avoid duplication of efforts. It is important for the efficiency and rationalization of initiatives at the Council. Pakistan considers the UN Security Council's resolution 1325 important to this matter. The UN recognizes situations of foreign occupation most prominent in armed conflict and violations of women's rights. The plight of women and girls in occupied Jammu and Kashmir showcases that.
Panama thanks for the report. Mechanisms promoting human rights is essential for the protection of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations. An intersectional approach is necessary. Panama agrees with the High Commissioner on the negative repercussions of diversion and unregulated transfers of weapons.
The Philippines takes pride in the prominent role played by Filipino women in the public sphere. The Philippines was the first Asian country to adopt the National Action Plan to operationalize its commitments and to create strong foundations for the protection of women before, during and after armed conflicts.
Poland aligns with the EU statement. Poland appreciate that this Council has been progressively addressing the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations. There is a lot of work ahead, but women's security is one of Poland's priorities when it comes to humanitarian aid.
Russian Federation highlights the different UN bodies and that the confusion of human rights issues with international humanitarian law and international criminal law leads to the erosion of an effectively functioning system. Russian notes the attempts made by certain countries to a one-sided approach to the topic of sexual and reproductive health. Terminology accepted in the UN should adhered to.
Saudi Arabia is working to achieve the decisions issues by the UN organs and mechanisms. Saudi women participate actively in promoting international peace and security.
Sudan notes the work done by the report and last year, Sudan implemented the national plan of Security Council resolution 1325. A law to combat violence against women is drafting in Sudan and it is first national law it its kind.
Syrian Arab Republic stresses that the promotion and protection of women's human rights is a commitment that always exists and under all circumstances. In the report, the "International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic" is mentioned. Syria state that this can overturn facts and manipulate legal concepts.
Tunisia is pleased to participate in this discussion and is of particular importance to Tunisia. Tunisia has adopted the Resolution 1325 and Tunisia stresses the need to implement the agenda and to strengthen technical cooperation and exchange experiences to reach the goals.
Ukraine thanks for the report and state that women and girls are vulnerable in the occupied zones by Russia. Ukraine mentions names of female civil activists, journalists and lawyers that has been oppressed in this conflict. Ukraine urge the international community to react against Russia in their unlawful occupation of Crimea.
UN Women's core is women's and girls' right and notes the progress of the HRC to mainstream women's rights in conflict and post-conflict situations. UN Women encourage to mandate investigations to document the full range of violations against women and the root causes as well as a systematic integration of gender expertise in the investigation team.
UN Population Fund welcomes the report. The human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situation lies at the heart of achieving zero maternal deaths, no gender-based violence and offer family planning. Gender-based violence remains a dimension of war.
United States of America state that the discrimination of women and girls, particularly women of color, LGBTQI+ women remain a critical issue. Women living free from violence and participating in society, contributes to strengthening democracy. The US is concerned about women and girls in Afghanistan.
Vietnam welcomes the report. Vietnam reminds that women remain victims of violence and discrimination and the pandemic has even worsened their situations. Achieving gender equality is central for implementing the SDGs.
Yemen reviewed the report. The Houthi coup in Yemen has affected women and girls, there the Houthi group has kidnapped and arrested human rights activists. Yemen appeals to the High Commissioner to pay special attention and to pressure the Houthi group to abide by the law.
Azerbaijan states that the progress as stated in the report, is nonlinear which is like the issue of landmines. Infrastructure is rebuilt for families to move into. Women are an integrated part of this rehabilitation process.
Mali commences the work of the report and supports the conclusions in it. Progress has been made in Mali. However, Mali is concern with conflict in their south regions who continues to cause women and children suffering.
Iran takes note of the report, even though women and girls are the most vulnerable in conflicts, they play an affective role in accelerating peace progress. Accordingly, it is essential to ensure justice. Iran is fully committed.
Michelle Bachelet answers question and concern that has been raised during this session. Many stressed that last year was 20 years of the Security Council Resolution 1325. Some progresses are achieved, but there is a long way to go to achieve the whole resolution. As many highlighted, we must do more and must do better.
The HRC and its mechanisms should give attention to the full range of human rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict. Proper documentation of violation of human rights is important. Acknowledging the stigma surrounding gender-based discrimination is important to combat it.
The establishment of law that are gender sensitive and criminalize gender-based violence is important for nations to work for women and girls' rights in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
27th September 2021: Annual Discussion on integration of a gender perspective (HRC res. 6/30)
All sources used to draft the report can be found here. Report drafted by Siran Cheng on September 28, 2021.
Composition of the HRC
Ms. Michelle Bachelet starts her statement with addressing that since the Covid-19 we have become more dependent on digital technologies. The gender digital divide reflects the overall discrimination faced by women and girls. The pandemic led to digital technology being a crucial part of our lives. There is estimation of 11 million girls not being able to return to school due to pandemic related disruptions. Online harassment, violence and intimidation has increased online. The use of digital technologies should be guided by international human rights norms and principles. It is also important to dismantle discriminatory gender stereotypes. In the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico City, a plan to advance gender equality was launched and it is to halve the gender digital divide.
Ms. Lainah Ndiweni, Legal researcher, Veritas Zimbabwe states that the pandemic represents a global challenge, marginalized and vulnerable groups bear a differentiated burden. Communication for development is important, but many women and girls can't afford high costs of data and resources. The HRC needs to strengthen capacity building and advocacy in all spheres of women human rights.
Ms. Tatiana Vasconcelos, Disability consultant state that current information and communication technologies (ICT) are playing a crucial role to keep us safe, close to our family. The situation for disabled, for women and girls with disabilities is different, because ICTs have become a barrier.
Ms. Tlaleng Mofokeng, Special Rapporteur on the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard and mental health state that the global digital gender divide affects women and girls in particular. During the pandemic, digital health has proved instrumental, as movement restrictions has been imposed and people unable to access the technology for telehealth were disadvantaged.
Australia state that indigenous women are more at risk for the gender digital divide. 26.2 million dollars to address technology-based abuse, support survivors. Australia is the first government to keep their citizens safe online. Australia has also invested in regional capacity to address online abuse in the pacific.
European Union welcomes the debate and stresses the importance of resolution 6/30. The EU commends the expert mechanism for improving our understanding. Women has been affected by the pandemic and mitigating its social and economic consequences. Women and girls in rural areas often experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. It is a priority of the EU to protect the safety of all women and girls.
Luxembourg on behalf of Benelux state that the pandemic has further exacerbated the existing digital gender gap. Ensure that no women are left behind. The pandemic has affected schooling, leading more people remaining illiterate. Women journalist and human rights are at more risk.
Switzerland on behalf Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia, has all observed how the pandemic has made us more dependent on digital technologies. This has affected men and women differently. Women and girls are more at risk for abuses, the right for privacy and harassment. Gender equality must be achieved offline and online.
Norway on behalf of Nordic-Baltic countries, stress the importance of integration of a gender perspective on the whole of the UN.
We must bridge the global gender digital gap. Online content must not contain gender stereotypes and sexual harassment.
Chile on behalf of Group of Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay) state that as a result of the pandemic, there has been a great dependence on technologies. Women and girls who are more vulnerable and more at risk for gender digital divide. Human rights council must take further their analysis on the inequality that arise from gender digital divide.
Barbados on behalf of the CARICOM countries, recognize the role of ICTs that promote human rights. The onset of the pandemic has highlighted other critical concerns for the Caribbean region and the wider world. The pandemic has exacerbated issues of gender discrimination and lack of access to ICTs.
Lesotho on behalf of LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund Beneficiaries state that schools are the best at equipping education. Women and girls in rural areas need special provision and access.
Egypt on behalf of the Arab Group, the pandemic has forced the world to use digital communication tools. Unfortunate, these means has not been accessible to all people. The pandemic has shown the inequalities of the access to the ICTs, especially for women and girls.
Israel states that women face a heavier burden and lose their jobs at a higher percentage than men during the pandemic. The achievements that have promoted women's rights are at risk.
Canada state that the pandemic has impacted many human rights issues, especially for women and girls. Canada is working to make the online space safer and more accessible for women and girls.
Greece aligns with the EU statement and states that it is important to work to enhance the integration of a gender perspective within the HRC mechanisms. It is of grave concern that women are disproportionate exposed to harassment online.
Egypt is proactive in recognizing the disproportionate negative impact of the Corona pandemic. Egypt has launched different initiatives both internationally and nationally.
Spain state that the pandemic has shown that women is at more risk in the digital gender divide. Spain is commitment to reduce the digital gender divide.
France state that women and girls has been disproportionally affected by the pandemic. The pandemic has limited women access to justice and health. Domestic violence and sexual harassment have increased. This fight must systematically address a gender perspective.
Thailand is here to discuss how to reduce the digital gender divide. Ensure women and girls are not excluded from this digital transformation and must be actively included. Gender responsive budgeting.
Angola state that it is a fact that the gender digital divide has widened, especially in developing countries. Angola urges Member States to integrate the creative and innovative digital tools into their pandemic response.
Vietnam states that digital technology is an enabler for jobs and exponential growth. The pandemic has not only highlighted the critical role of ICTs, but that it causing digital inequalities between and within countries. Women must be given opportunities to access digital technology.
India states that the gendered digital divide had added to the pandemic's disproportionate impact on the lives of women and girls. The Government on India has made initatives to promote digital inclusion.
Georgia fully recognizes the significance of equitable digital engagement for the promotion and enjoyment of all human rights by women. The ongoing illegal Russian occupation of Georgia's regions, deprives the Georgian Government the possibility to give human rights protection to those women on the other side of the occupation line.