Understand the Conflict:
United States Political Tensions
The United States is currently facing one of its greatest moments of upheaval. Between conflicting political agendas and growing human rights divides, the stability of one of the world's superpowers is brought into stark relief.
Understand the Conflict: Mozambique

Mozambique has not put an end to the 2017 insurrection in the province of Cabo Delgado. The Cabo Delgado residents have been fleeing their homes and facing violence as the government is fighting with the insurgents. Stakes are high as the Mozambican government has not found a peaceful solution and foreign allies have sent troops to the country.
Understand the Conflict:

The Israeli-Palestine conflict's roots are complex and sensitive. For more than seven decades, the Israeli-Palestine issue has evolved through conflicts, land occupations, wars, coalitions, deaths, and cease-fires. However recent events have dramatically changed perspectives and raised new questions.
Understand the Conflict:

From the monarchy and the independence to the reunification of the country, Yemen faced several conflicts and wars that consequently affected the political, economic as well as social, and governmental stability of the territory. These conflicts led the country to a huge humanitarian crisis, one of the worst in the world.
Understand the Tensions: Kazakhstan

The beginning of 2020 witnessed a series of conflicts and social unrest in Kazakhstan. The social unrest started with a local protest against the doubled fuel prices and soon escalated and expanded across the country. Although social order has been restored, questions about Kazakhstan's political future remain unanswered.
Understand the conflict: ;

The conflict between the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) – recognized as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU – has been going on for about 35 years. After two-and-a-half year-long peace negotiations, the conflict broke out again in the summer of 2015.
Understand the Tensions:

Tensions between China and Taiwan are one of the major concerns in international relations. This issue does not only concern China and Taiwan but also concerns the core interest of world peace.
Understand the Conflict:
Central African Republic

Since the gaining of independence, the Central African Republic experienced 3 three main coups d'etat, several civil wars, and multiple rebellions that weakened the country and its stability.
Understand the Conflict:

It has been almost eight years since this warfare took over the Russian-Ukrainian borders. Although the ceasefire protocols have been implemented, the hostilities have not stopped.
Understand the Conflict:

One of the world's most deadly conflicts is in Mexico. The Mexican government has declared war on its drug cartels to end the violence.