Justice in Fashion
Justice in Fashion aligns their work with five of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: 5, 8, 10, 12, and 17. A majority of their efforts, however, are influenced by Goal 8 which is to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Botswana's poverty eradication programme
In line with SDG N.1, "No Poverty", the government of Botswana has taken measures to tackle extreme and abject poverty. The Poverty Eradication Programme aims to economically empower individuals and groups to lead a dignified life through sustainable income generation and employment initiatives, capacity building, and funding for small enterprises.
The organization "The Hunger Project" works towards finding a sustainable solution to end hunger and poverty. Their approach is based on three main pillars: empowerment of women as key change agents, communities mobilisation, and effective partnerships with local governments.
Project Hope is an international, non-profit organization that is committed to empowering healthcare workers, building more resilient healthcare systems, and achieving health equity. It has created significant impacts in tackling infectious diseases, protecting maternal and children's Health, and providing relief in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Thriving Schools Program aims to promote education equality in Uganda. By engaging university graduates and volunteers, this program has successfully re-enrolled many out-of-school children and conducted literacy training for beneficiaries in rural areas.
Gender Equality in Urban Planning
Urban planning is historically male-oriented: It is designed by males and for the convenience of male residents. The World Bank calls for incorporating the concept of gender equality in urban planning to construct more gender-sensitive, inclusive modern cities.
The "Sanergy" program proposes bold solutions to booming cities by building affordable sanitation facilities in slums, and converting waste to organic fertilizers used in local farms. It has created positive and sustainable impacts for many communities.
RE/SOURCED is an innovative program based in Belgium, which aims to provide cost-efficient energy for local communities. It will also reduce the need for raw materials compared with traditional methods of energy sharing.
Better Work is a partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched in 2014 to provide decent jobs for workers in the garment industry around the world. The aim of the initiative is to improve workers' rights and gain a competitive edge for clothing firms.