4 Minutes 4 Underestanding... 

The Californian Aggie
The Californian Aggie

Fast Fashion 

A brief podcast that details the dangers of Fast Fashion and how switching to Sustainable Fashion can benefit the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Give it a listen!

Understanding Europe
Understanding Europe

Digital Peacebuilding

In this episode we discuss how peacebuilding has become intertwined with the rapid digitalization of the world.

Give it a listen! 


Culture Concepts for Peace

This episode focuses on the need for culture concepts to be introduced during the peace processes so that they can address potential future tensions.

Give it a listen!

Dental Tribune
Dental Tribune

Sustainable Development Podcast

Sustainable Cities are a new and upcoming way of addressing potential struggles humanity is facing.

Give it a listen!

Culture Diversity and Education Podcast

By combining education and cultural awareness we can strengthen the skills of future generations for discussing difficult subjects respectfully and with greater outcomes for everyone involved.

Give it a listen! 


Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development for Peace